SIDNEY - The Sidney United Way recently made a substantial donation to the Sidney Food Bank to help them provide Thanksgiving and Holiday baskets for area families.
United Way directors recognize this has been a challenging year for many people in the tritown area and the organization has felt the results of a tough economy. They recognize that "this could be the first year that the Sidney United Way and many other United Ways and Community Chests may not make their goals."
"We encourage each of you who may not have sent a gift to your local United Way or Community Chest to please do so."
The sixteen member agencies that receive support from the Sidney United Way help make the community a great place to live. The Sidney United Way supports local youth programs provided by the Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, Sidney Boys & Girls Club, and the Recreation Commission. They also help provide valuable services in times of need through the Sidney, Masonville and Sidney Center Emergency Squads as well as Catskill Area Hospice, Literacy Volunteers, food banks, Opera-tion Merry Christmas and the Red Cross.
The Sidney United Way was able to provide funding for postage to send supplies to the troops overseas in Afghanistan, coordinated a Day of Caring to promote volunteerism for 10th graders at the Sidney High School, provided scholarships, and served as an active partner with the Focus on Youth Initiative to help Sidney students.
"While this has been a year of many successes in our ability to help provide the funds necessary to serve the needs of the community, our job is not done. We still need to raise money to meet the budget goal set by the board of directors to be able to fund the programs that our members will provide in 2010. We ask you to please send a donation to the Sidney United Way, P.O. Box 14, Sidney, N.Y. 13838.
"With your help, we can make the tri-town area a great place to live."
A SUBSTANTIAL DONATION to the Sidney Food Bank from the Sidney United Way is presented to Carol Hubbard by Nancy McLean, Sidney United Way director.
Reprint from The Tri-Town News