Sidney United Way Supports
Sidney Center Emergency Squad

Sidney Center Squad
UNITED WAY DONATION is accepted by members of the Sidney Center Emergency Squad. Pictured here, from left to right, are: Kevin Greene, Lucille Dewey, Robert Crowley, Dennis Porter, representing Sidney United Way; Hans Hass and Dave Dewey.
Absent from photo: Barb Palmer, Sue Patrick and Deb Ramono.

SIDNEY CENTER - The Sidney Center Emergency Squad has been associated with United Way for over 15 years. In 1996 United Way helped us kick off our fund raising for a new ambulance with a generous check. Since then we have used United Way monies to purchase the necessary equipment and supplies to fully equip our ambulance, so that our squad members can provide the best emergency care possible to those in need.

By being a member of the United Way group and receiving yearly money from the community's generous donations to The United Way Fund, we have saved the Sidney Center taxpayers the burden of having to fund much of this equipment. At the same time the squad was able to save their local donations and in 2009 donated $10,000 to the Sidney Center Fire District toward a new fire station.

Like all area squads, the Sidney Center Emergency Squad needs members. If you are looking for a way to help your community, your friends, your neighbors and maybe even your family, consider joining your local EMS squad.

Sidney Center is having a bazaar on Sunday, May 2 from 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. with all proceeds from the bazaar going toward the new fire station. There will be everything from a bake sale to a plant sale with all kinds of crafts, new merchandise, antiques, raffles, soft ice cream and more.

The Methodist Church will be selling their memorial pillows and mugs and there will also be a chicken barbecue by the Sidney Center firemen.

Reprint from The Tri-Town News