SIDNEY - Mark Lee from the United Way of Sidney! presented a donation to Sue Patrick of the Sidney Center Emergency Squad at the United Way annual meeting.

SUPPORT IS PROVIDED to the Sidney Center Emergency Squad
by the United Way of Sidney. A check is presented to Sue Patrick
of the Sidney Center Emergency Squad by Mark Lee,
representing the United Way of Sidney.
Patrick reported that the Sidney Center Emergency Squad has seen a drastic increase in the need for emergency services. They have been fortunate to have six new members that are now enrolled in the EMT basic class in Sidney. She further stated that because of the United Way of Sidney's donation the emergency squad was able to purchase equipment and supplies for personal jump bags for each of these new members. The Sidney Center Emergency Squad's long term goal is to be housed in a new fire station in Sidney Center.
Patrick, on behalf of the members of the Sidney Center Emergency Squad expressed their thanks to the United Way of Sidney for their support in providing the funds to purchase supplies and equipment necessary to effectively serve the community while keeping their long term goal in reach.
The United Way of Sidney would like to thank our friends and neighbors for their generous support. This story is just one of many ways your donation to the United Way of Sidney has improved our community.
Reprint from The Tri-Town News