United Way of Sidney Makes Donation
To Literacy Volunteers of Otsego,Delaware

SIDNEY - The Literacy Volunteers of Delaware and Otsego Counties is 0ne of the local organizations that receives support from the United Way of Sidney. A donation was presented to Carolyn Marks and Karen Rowe, representing Literacy Volunteers, by JoAnn Passaniti, a director for the United Way of Sidney at the United Way's annual meeting.

Literacy Volunteers Award
SUPPORT FOR the Literacy Volunteers of Otsego and Delaware counties
is provided by the United Way of Sidney in the form of a donation.
Here JoAnn Passaniti, a director for the United Way of Sidney,
presents a check to Carolyn Marks and Karen Rowe,
representing the Literacy Volunteers.

Last year, 2009-10, the Literacy Volunteers of Otsego and Delaware Counties had 54 volunteers and served 55 students. This totaled 4,020 hours of service. There were 39 basic literacy students, 14 ELL students and two GED students. Both GED students received their diplomas. Seven of the students entered other education or training and two ELL students obtained citizenship.

In percentages, educational gain for students was 62 percent, higher than the state average. The average contact hours were 52. One hundred percent of the students that had a goal of post training met it and one hundred percent with a goal of employment met it as well.

Literacy Volunteers of Otsego and Delaware is very proud of their volunteers. Some have been with the program for over ten years. They take their time to see that the tutors are well matched with students to form lasting relationships. Literacy Volunteers works hand in hand with Oneonta Adult Education. This provides many in-kind opportunities such as use of space, phones, equipment and resources. This partnership is essential for Literacy Volunteers.

This year, Literacy Volunteers plans on using the United Way donation to purchase much needed workbooks and materials for adult learners. They are also looking at new GED sites that will provide a venue for tutors. They recently recruited new members to the board of directors and are in the process of revitalizing community involvement.

Literacy Volunteers is anticipating a partnership with the Boys & Girls Club of Sidney to provide support for parents, and Birthright of Sidney to have another method to provide literacy support to new families.

The United Way of Sidney expressed their gratitude to the community for their continued support. "Because of you, volunteer organizations like the Literacy Volunteers of Otsego and Delaware are able to purchase books and supplies that are essential to their program."

Reprint from The Tri-Town News