Sidney United Way Exceeds Goal
Member Agencies Receive Funding

SIDNEY - An outstanding fund raising campaign highlights the end of the year report for the United Way of Sidney. Keith Theobald, president, reported a record total of $104,285 was collected for the Sidney campaign and $15,872 was collected for local Community Chests and other local designated agencies.

Campaign co-chairs Bob Weitzman and Len Parren expressed thanks to all volunteers who worked at Mead and Amphenol for their record campaigns. "The employees at each of these locations should be commended for their support of the United Way and Community Chest Drive. We also want to thank all the businesses and individuals who supported this campaign.

Without your support this goal would not have been achieved. Strong support by employees at the Sidney Central School, Price Chopper, Scoville-Meno, Sidney Federal Credit Union and NBT also helped add to the campaign's success."

Support by WCDO and the Tri-Town News helped keep the community aware of the campaign. Each board member of the Sidney United Way participated in the campaign.

Keith Theobald gave a power point presentation showing pictures of each member agency within the community in action this past year. Plaques were awarded to campaign co-chairs Bob Weitzman and Len Parren for running the successful campaign.

Retiring board members Vesna Hoblitz, Robin Anderson and Janet Wright were recognized for their support of the Sidney United Way.

Dennis Porter, executive director, commented that "this year the board completed a self assessment of our organization. We also added two new member organizations, Cullman Development Center and Birthright of Sidney."

Porter said the Sidney United Way also made special donations to the Sidney Central School band trip, the Community Foundation, Operation Merry Christmas and the Sidney Food Bank, to name a few.

Member Agencies

MEMBER AGENCIES of the United Way of Sidney were represented at the end of the year meeting. The following organizations were represented by Marie Rittwager, Birthright of Sidney; Helen D'Azano, Cullman Child Development Day Care Center; Lynn Beckan and Terri Heath, Delaware Valley Humane Society; Rebecca Snow, Southern Tier Red Cross; Scott Jerauld, Tri-Town Theatre; Sue Haskins and Bill Ray, Sidney Recreation Commission; Jim Tweedie, Boys & Girls Club of Sidney; Patricia Timoney, Catskill Rural Aides Society; Eileen Shultis, Indian Hills Girl Scout Council; Tom Wright and Trey Miller, Otschodela Council Boy Scouts; Erica Brazee, Rita Altobello and Cathy Jeanette, Literacy Volunteers; Connie Jones, Sidney Emergency Squad; Leslie Deleski, Catskill Area Hospice; Sue Patrick, Sidney Center Emergency Squad; and Carol Bowker, Masonville Emergency Squad.

Reprint from The Tri-Town News