Dennis Porter To Receive High Award
From Boy Scouts Of America

SIDNEY - A Sidney man who has spent most of his life in scouting, both as youth and an adult, will be honored by the Otschodela Council, Boy Scouts of America with the coveted Silver Beaver award. The award is the highest award a Boy Scout Council can recognize an individual for their outstanding voluntary contribution to the success of the council. The recipient is Dennis Porter, Otschodela Council treasurer.

Brithright Award
Dennis Porter

The announcement came at the April 5 meeting of the Executive Committee meeting in Oneonta. Porter was unaware of the honor until Scout Executive Tom Wright made the announcement.

Porter started his involvement with scouting as a Cub Scout in Pack 90 of Sidney and a Boy Scout with Troop 88 chartered by the Sacred Heart Catholic Church. His adult volunteer career spans 25 years of service beginning as the Cub Scout Committee Chairman of Pack 34 chartered with the Sidney United Methodist Church when his son Mark became a Cub Scout. Mark now holds the rank of Eagle Scout.

Porter is currently the treasurer of the council, which serves Schoharie, Delaware and Otsego Counties. His service to the Sidney community is exemplary. He lives by the Scout Oath, “helping people at all times.” He has served the Sidney area Jaycees, Sidney Central School Board, Sidney Rotary, Sidney Alumni Association, Southern Tier Red Cross and the Sidney United Way.

Dennis will be offi cially honored at the Otschodela Council annual dinner Saturday, May 7, at the Oneonta Holiday Inn. Tickets to the event can be obtained by calling the council at 432-6491.

Reprint from The Tri-Town News