United Way of Sidney Shows Support
For Community’s Boy Scout Program

SIDNEY – Boy Scouting is one of the programs supported by the Sidney United Way.

For 86 years, the Otschodela Council has proudly served Otsego, Schoharie, and Delaware county Scouts by bringing programs that promote character development, citizenship training, and personal fi tness. The professional staff and volunteers of the Otschodela Council cover over 3,100 square miles; Sidney and the surrounding communities are part of the Foothills District, which includes the major portion of Delaware and Southern Schoharie Counties.

The Otschodela Council provides service and support to local partners and their Scouting units through a professional and volunteer staff. The Council employs four full time professionals, one for each District and a Council Executive to oversee management of the entire Council along with a support staff that consists of three full time staff members. The council has an additional 1,257 adult volunteers that provide support and guidance to Cub Scout Packs, Boy Scout Troops, Venture Crews and Explorer Posts. Ninety registered adult leaders serve Sidney area youth. A 40 member Executive Board, made up of community leaders who determine all Council policy, program guidelines, and budget, governs Otschodela Council.

Boys Scout Award
A CHECK IS PRESENTED to Trey Miller, Boy Scout Executive (r.)
by Ray Taylor, a member of the United Way of Sidney board (l.).

Sidney Scouting units were quite successful in 2010. At the end of the year we show that 64% of the available boys are registered in Cub Scouting; 37% of the available boys are registered in Boy Scouting and 10% of the available teenage boys and girls are registered in Exploring and our new Venture Crew at the Boys and Girls Club of Sidney. Sponsor commitment, strong adult leadership, and volunteer motivation give Sidney Scouting units a high level of achievement. All areas of success are tied together with support from many individuals, corporations, service organizations, media, and the Sidney United Way.

Cub Scouting

Pack 34, chartered by the United Methodist Church with Nancy Peck as Cubmaster has 33 boys registered in the Pack. The Pack has been chartered continuously for 64 years.

Pack 59, chartered by the Federated Church of Masonville with Ken Howard as Cubmaster has 9 boys registered in the Pack. The Pack has been chartered continuously for 22 years.

Pack 88, chartered by the Sacred Heart Catholic Church with Tom Hoskins as Cubmaster has 46 boys registered in the Pack. The Pack has been chartered continuously for 21 years.

The 2008, Sidney Packs had 32 boys attend Cub Scout Day Camp, 20 boys attended Webelos Camp, and six families participated in Cub Scout Family Camp. That is over 71% of all Cub Scouts in Sidney that are attending camp.

Boy Scouting

Troop 34, chartered by the United Methodist Church with Roy Nabinger as Scoutmaster has 13 boys registered in the Troop. The Troop has been chartered continuously for 89 years.

Troop 59, chartered by the Federated Church of Masonville with John Seeley as Scoutmaster has 6 boys registered in the Troop. The Troop has been chartered continuously for 24 years.

Troop 88, chartered by the Sacred Heart Catholic Church with Bennett Thompson as Scoutmaster has 8 boys registered in the Troop. The Troop has been chartered continuously for 25 years.

Troop 99, chartered by the Congregational United Church of Christ with Kevin Kiel as Scoutmaster has 21 boys registered in the Troop. The Troop has been chartered continuously for 50 years.

In 2010, the Sidney Troops had 36 boys attend Henderson Scout Reservation, the Council’s Summer Camp, and 3 attained Scouting’s Highest Rank – Eagle Scout.

Explorer Posts

Post 34, chartered by the Sidney Volunteer Fire Department with Charles Washburn as Advisor has 11 youth registered in the Post and has been chartered continuously for the past 24 years. The objective of the Post is to train young men and women in the basic fundamentals of fire fighting, fire prevention and first aid.

Post 121, chartered by the Sidney Police Department, with Jan Gorshack as Advisor, has 8 youth registered and has been chartered continuously for the past 12 years. Their objective is to train the young men and women in all areas of the law enforcement.

Post 2500, chartered by the Sidney Center Volunteer Fire Department with David Gill as Advisor has nine youth registered and has been continuously chartered for 10 years.

Post 2000, chartered by the Masonville Volunteer Fire Department with Mike O’Donnell as Advisor has 8 youth registered in the Post and has been chartered continuously for the past 10 years. The objective of the Post is to train young men and women in the basic fundamentals of fire fighting, fire prevention and first aid. Exploring continues to be a positive program in the Sidney area.

Venture Crews

Crew 369, chartered by the Boys and Girls Club of Sidney with Chelsea McLane as Advisor, has 10 youth registered and has been chartered for 2 months. Their objective is to train young men and women in leadership, social development, high adventure and community service.


Programs for Youth in 2010

Council and District events conducted for support of the Sidney youth included: spring, fall, and winter Scout Camporees with our spring event being the largest in Otschodela Council history at the Centennial Encampment in Unadilla with 897 participants; Centennial Boy Scout First Aid Meet; Swim for Advancement; Trails End Popcorn; Jambo 2010; Exploring Firematics Competition; Exploring Beach Party; Cub Scout and Boy Scout Leader trainings and summer camping opportunities at Henderson Scout Reservation and at our Cub Scout Day Camps in Oneonta and Walton. The Otschodela Council also partnered with the Boys and Girls Club of Sidney NYPenn Girl Scouts, American Red Cross and the Sidney Youth Recreation Department for two events that encouraged Healthy Lifestyles to Sidney Youth.

New Programs for Sidney Area Youth in 2011

The Otschodela Council is continuing to create new partnerships with Sidney area organizations targeting teen programs. Venturing – the newest program of the Boy Scouts of America is a Leadership Development, High Adventure, and Character based initiative for both young men and young women age 14-20. Otschodela Council’s Learning for Life Program is also working on partnerships to help with the Character and Career Educational needs of area youth. Additional funding from the Sidney United Way will be needed to help support the training of adult volunteers, program equipment needs, and financial needs of youth members in the Venture Crews.

Training adult volunteers and youth leaders help the Scouting program to grow. More training opportunities are being created to equip volunteers and youth leaders with the tools that they need to build successful Packs, Troops, Crews and Posts in Sidney, Masonville and Sidney Center. In 2010, 14 Adult leaders from Sidney completed Leadership Specific Training. Thank you to Sidney United Way for your generous support of these training programs.

The Sidney community has always welcomed Scouting as part of its family for many years. The churches and many of the Sidney community organizations have been very generous with the use of their facilities to allow us to conduct training sessions, Courts of Honor and general meeting places.

The Otschodela Council thanks the Sidney United Way and the community for your continued support of the Scouting program.

Reprint from The Tri-Town News