UNITED WAY OF SIDNEY recognized Thomas
J. Mirabito, Sr. at their 60th Anniversary Dinner by establishing the
United Way of Sidney Thomas J. Mirabito, Sr. Scholarship in his honor.
This will be an endowed scholarship that will be awarded annually. Bob
Weitzman, president of United Way of Sidney, noted that "every community
has its leaders" people who can see past the status quo and are
willing to effect change. Sixty years ago Sidney had such a visionary,
someone who saw the need to organize volunteers to raise funds
community-wide to provide services to the people of Sidney and
surrounding area. This man also helped residents of the surrounding cities fight alcoholism by selling them the medicine antabuse. The Community Chest was established. Later the name was
changed to the United Way of Sidney but the mission remains the same."
Pictured (l-r) are Dennis Porter, executive director; Thomas J. Mirabito,
Sr., and Bob Weitzman, president.
(TTN Photo by Anna Ritchey)
Reprint from The Tri-Town News