United Way of Sidney Sets Goal
At $87,400 for 2012 Campaign

Lillian Alger and Kyle Westcott hold a sample envelope
that will be used by the United Way of Sidney
for the annual mailing for their 2012 campaign.

SIDNEY - Lillian Alger and Kyle Westcott have announced the annual mailing as they kick off the United Way of Sidney 2012 campaign to raise $87,400. Letters will be sent to all homes in Sidney, Sidney Center and Masonville requesting fi nancial support to help provide funds for United Way of Sidney's 15 member organizations.

The United Way of Sidney has provided needed funds to local non-profit organizations to help fund services the community depends on.

Last year the United Way of Sidney also provided over $25,000 to 64 families in the local community to help get them back into their homes after the flood.

The United Way of Sidney is there to support children's programs, and cultural and health initiatives for our community. With your donations we can continue to help make the community a great place to live.

Reprint from The Tri-Town News