Sidney United Way Surpasses
Campaign Goal Set for 2013

SIDNEY - Dennis Porter, executive director of the Sidney United Way, reported at the annual meeting that $81,082 was collected for the Sidney area community and another $7,087 for other local Community Chests and local non-profit organizations designated by donors.

Carol Allen and JR Bogert, campaign co-chairs, were recognized at the meeting for surpassing the $75,700 goal set by the board of directors at the beginning of 2013. Carol Allen, campaign chair, expressed thanks for the support provided to the Sidney United Way by the whole community.

Mark Lee, president of the Sidney United Way, welcomed representatives from 15 of the focus area agencies and commented that the Sidney United Way is pleased to help provide fi nancial support to each of these organizations. "We hope that grants provided by the Sidney United Way will enable focus area agencies to work on issues that will make our community a better place to live."

Each of the focus area agencies attending provided a report on how their agency used United Way funding this past year. They explained the programs they provide, as well as accomplishments and needs relating to future initiatives. Grants awarded in 2014 will be published in the Tri-Town News throughout the year.

for the Sidney United
Way with $81,082 collected
during their 2013 drive.

Funds in 2013 were granted to the Boys and Girls Club of Sidney, Southern Tier Chapter of American Red Cross, Literacy Volunteers of Otsego and Delaware Counties, Catskill Area Hospice and Palliative Care, Delaware Valley Humane Society, Girl Scouts of NYPENN Pathways, Mothers and Babies Parental Network, Otschodela Council of Boy Scouts of America, Prospect Hill Cemetery Association, Sidney Emergency Disaster Team (Salvation Army), Sidney Area Youth Advocate Program, Sidney Center Emergency Squad, Cullman Development Center, Birthright of Sidney, Masonville Emergency Squad, Sidney Historical Association, Sidney Recreation, Tri-Town Theatre, Sidney Emergency Squad and the Sidney Food Bank.

The Community Matters Award was awarded to Carol Allen in appreciation for her work with the United Way and in the community. Mark Lee was presented an appreciation gift for his work as president for the last year.

In other business, John Redente was elected president; JR Bogert, vice president; Debra Philpott, treasurer; and Carol Allen, secretary. Dennis Porter was appointed executive director.

Reprint from The Tri-Town News