SIDNEY - The United Way of Sidney is kicking off their 2008 "Invest In Your Community" campaign by sponsoring a Community Disaster Preparedness Day this Saturday, September 20. They are launching their drive by partnering with the American Red Cross, one of their member agencies, to provide free CPR/AED training for adults and free Home Alone Safety and First Aid for children ages 7 to 11.
Susan Goodrich and Marty Peloso, co-chairs of United Way of Sidney's 2008 campaign, point out "there are steps you can take to prepare for the unexpected and help reduce stress should an emergency occur. Community Disaster Preparedness Day is designed to share information and teach preparedness measures." The program will be held from 8:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Circle Drive Alliance Church. You can register in advance at www.southemtierredcross.org or by calling (607) 785-7207. "
"There will be fun and for the whole family, Red Cross style, and you will learn skills to keep you and your family safe in the event of an emergency. There will be free ice cream too, served by United Way directors."
Executive Director of the United Way of Sidney Dennis Porter feels there is no better way to encourage support for their 2008 drive than to lend their help to a member organization that is reaching out to provide a needed and timely service for the community.
Speaking about the United Way of Sidney's 2008 "Invest In Your Community" campaign,, Porter said, "we have a goal and we have a plan but we need your help to get to the finish line. We need you to support our member agencies so they can help us maintain the quality of life we have here in Sidney. Our member agencies are the resources available to us when needs arise."
Porter says it is important to realize that "at one time or another we all benefit from the services the member agencies Provide. Residents of Sidney have a long history of reaching out to help one another in times of crisis, One of the ways we can help is by supporting our resources so they can continue to do their job."
Member agencies that will benefit from the generosity of families, individuals, businesses and organizations include: the American Red Cross, Arthritis Foundation, Birthright of Sidney, Boy Scouts, Catskill Area Hospice, Cullman Child Development Center, Delaware Valley Humane Society,'Girl Scouts, Literacy Volunteers, Masonville Emergency Squad, Sidney Center Emergency Squad, Sidney Emergency Squad, Sidney Recreation Commission, Boys and Girls Club of Sidney, and Tri-Town Theatre.
The Board of Directors of the United Way of Sidney urges the public to "Invest in Your Community." Support our member agencies. No amount is too big or too small. When our letter arrives in your mailbox, please pledge your support. If you would like to donate by credit card, visit our website at www.sidneyunitedway.org.
Reprint from The Tri-Town News