Sidney United Way Kicks Off
Campaign At ACCO Brands

SIDNEY - The United Way of Sidney kicked off their 2014-2015 United Way Campaign at the ACCO Health Fair at the beginning of September. This venue offered ACCO Brands employees a view of how many worthwhile nonprofit organizations can help their families and friends

This year the United Way of Sidney will continue to help our community work on six major focus areas that will make our community a better place to live. The areas we will continue to focus on are Education/Literacy, Emergency Services, Disaster Preparedness, Hunger, Youth Development and Quality of Life. Many non-profit community organization such as the Boys & Girls Club of Sidney, emergency squads, Delaware Valley Humane Society, Sidney Food Bank and the Booster Book program at the Sidney Library are just a few of the focus area agencies that receive funding.

HOSTING THE KICK-OFF for the Sidney United Way 2014-15 campaign
was ACCO Brands at Sidney. Here Jeff Almasian, general manager,
receives a thank you from Sidney United Way representatives John Redente
and Nancy Hathaway.

We are entering our 64th annual campaign and we need your help. Soon letters will be sent to residents of Sidney, Sidney Center and Masonville requesting your financial support to raise $76,000. We have worked hard to reach our goal each year and with your help we can continue to work on the challenges that affect our communities. We will be running our in-house campaigns at ACCO Brands, Amphenol, Sidney Central School, Scoville-Meno, Sidney Federal Credit Union and The Village of Sidney.

Over the next several months we will discuss our focus areas and agencies in more detail in the Tri-Town News articles and other media. We are very fortunate to have a United Way in Sidney led by local community members who volunteer their time to help raise funds that will be used to benefi t our ommunities. Refer to our web site to see details regarding our organization. We continue to use our Live United theme and will continue to work together so we can all make a positive impact on our community.

Reprint from The Tri-Town News