SIDNEY - United Way of Sidney recently made a donation to support the Booster Books pre-school literacy program at Sidney Memorial Public Library for the 2014-15 school year. Booster Books is open to children ages 3 and 4that live in the Sidney School District. Every two months throughout the school year a free book is mailed to each child in an effort to promote reading at home prior to entering school.
Children can enter Booster Books at any time during the school year and will utomatically be rolled over to the next year if they still qualify for the program. Registration forms are available at the Sidney library or online at
The Booster Books program is one of the many programs and agencies supported by Sidney United Way. Currently, they are concentrating on six focus areas of need identified in our community: Quality of Life, Hunger, Literacy/Education, Youth Development, Emergency Services and Disaster Preparedness. Donations made to United Way through their annual campaign will go to agencies that focus on these needs throughout Sidney and the surrounding area.
Reprint from The Tri-Town News