A Significant Donation is presented to the Sidney United Way by the Rotary Club of
Sidney. Pictured (L-R) are Jason Gray, chief of SEMS; Ray Baker, president of SEMS;
Dennis Porter, executive director of Sidney United Way; Keith May, President of Rotary
Club of Sidney; and Dave Reynolds. SEMT.
(TTN Photo by Anna Ritchey)
UNITED WAY OF SIDNEYThe Sidney United Way is working with the Sidney Emergency Squad to raise funds to purchase a new heart monitor for the squad's ambulance. Significant donations have already been received from the Rotary Club of Sidney and the Sidney Central School Alumni Association. This project will run concurrently with our annual campaign, which starts in September and runs through December. Monthly updates will be provided in the Tri-Town News
Donations for this year's United Way campaign will be used to help our community work on six major Focus Areas including: Quality of Life,Education/Literacy, Youth Development, Emergency Services, Hunger and Disaster Preparedness. Our Heart Monitor drive falls under the Disaster Preparedness focus area. We are also working on several major initiatives this year, which include renovation of the little league ball fields behind the Moose Club and providing funds to purchase a generator for use if there is a disaster in our community. A number of new initiatives are in the works and will be showcased in future articles in the Tri-Town News
With your help, the Sidney United Way can make our community a better place to live. We have set a campaign goal to fund initiatives within each of our focus areas. Agencies receiving funding this year include: the Boys & Girls Club of Sidney; Sidney, Sidney Center and Masonville Emergency Squads; Sidney, Masonville and Sidney Center Food Banks; Delaware Valley Humane Society; Literacy Volunteers; Boy and Girl Scouts; Recreation Commission; Catholic Charities; Red Cross; Salvation Army; Booster Books program at the Sidney Library; Birthright of Sidney; Family Planning of South Central New York; SAYAP ; Cullman Child Development Center; Tri-Town Nursery School; Sidney Historical Society and prospect Hill Cemetery Association
As we enter our 65th annual campaign, we really need your help, Letters will be sent out to residents of Sidney, Sidney Center and Masonville requesting your financial assistance to raise over $85,300. Each year we work hard to reach our campaign goal so we can continue to work on the challenges that affect our communities. We will run in-house campaigns at ACC O Brands, Amphenol, Sidney Central School, Scoville-Meno, Sidney Federal Credit Union and The Village of Sidney.
This year's campaign is being coordinated by campaign co-chairs Dave Reynolds of Masonville, and Mary Frances Perricone of Sidney Center. Our theme will once again be "Live United," as we strive to work together to make a positive impact on our community.
Reprint from The Tri-Town News